College Bound Student Athlete
Are you an athlete who is considering playing college athletics at the Division I or Division II level?
In order to practice, compete and receive an athletic scholarship during your first year at a DI or DII school, the NCAA Eligibility Center must certify you as eligible.
- As a Freshman, you should check with your counselor to make sure you have a plan for the NCAA core 16 courses.
- As a Junior, you should check with your counselor to make sure you are on track to complete the required number of NCAA-approved courses.
Take the ACT or SAT and submit your scores to the NCAA Eligibility Center using code 9999
You need to be on track to graduate.
- As a Senior - you should be completing their final NCAA core courses.
Take the ACT or SAT AGAIN and submit your scores using code 9999.
For college enrollment in the fall, request your final amateurism certification beginning April 1.